Fast fashion plays a significant role in the climate crisis, driven by the rapid changes in trends and overconsumption. There are alarming statistics related to fast fashion, carbon emissions, textile waste, and the exploitation of workers. The world needs to embrace sustainable and ethical fashion practices to ensure a healthier planet in the future.
Something must change.


The staggering figure of 80 billion garments consumed annually reflects the culture of overconsumption prevailing in the fashion industry. This excessive demand leads to numerous environmental challenges. The fashion industry is responsible for generating nearly 10% of all carbon emissions, emitting 1.2 billion tons of CO2 annually. These emissions have a catastrophic contribution to climate change, exacerbating its associated effects.



The fashion industry is notorious for its immense textile waste. Americans alone discard approximately 70 pounds of clothing per year totaling to nearly 16.9 million tons of textile waste annually. This results in 80% of all clothing produced ending up in landfills. As they decompose or are incinerated, they release toxic gasses into the land and atmosphere further exacerbating the climate issues.


Unethical Labor

Fashion’s negative impacts extend beyond the environment to also encompass social issues such as the exploitation of workers. The industry is the second biggest contributor to modern slavery in factories. The lack of regulation in the fashion industry has allowed child labor to remain prevalent in many regions and many workers are being paid less than a living wage. A survey found that a shocking 93% of brands are found to not pay their workers a living wage.

We are the change.
To address the urgent climate crisis and ethical concerns around the fashion industry, a shift away from fast fashion towards sustainable and ethical practices is needed. At Nenes, we embrace environmentally responsible production processes, reduced waste and the use of eco-friendly materials. It is crucial that we practice more conscious consumerism to create a better future for our children.